Are you seeking private music instruction? Studio Share Madison currently works with professional music instructors teaching piano, flute, and trumpet.

Please contact us for a referral.

Or, see below for information and websites of our music instructors.

Shad Wenzlaff Piano Studio

Shad (he/him/his) - Mr. Shad to his younger students - has been teaching piano for decades. He has literally taught tens of thousands of lessons. Over a third of his students are adults (over age 21), many of whom have taken lessons with Shad for 5+ years.

Parents of younger students are strongly encouraged to observe lessons as well as be a part of the fun. [At Studio Share Madison, each studio is large enough to accommodate a parent/guardian in-studio].

Shad teaches students who are familiar with the piano (we use all 88 keys and the pedal from day one!) to read notation in both the Treble and Bass clef, and gain developmentally appropriate familiarity with music theory.

Shad teaches from his studio on North Sherman Ave (M/T/W/Fr) as well as his Studio Share (west) Madison location (Th/Sat).

Shad Wenzlaff Piano Studio